  Paulinenweg 3, 51149 Köln           support@masch.com           +49 (0) 2203 8068 405
The MASCH Software Solutions GmbH with its developer location and company headquarters in St. Petersburg, and its marketing and sales base in Cologne for the regions D.A.CH and Central Europe has been working successfully for almost 20 years on software solutions for the CLOUD.

In contrast to most Russian software developers, the business model of MASCH Software Solutions is from the very beginning not exclusively based on software offshore development, but on the development and own sales of industry and WEB-based solutions, which have been developed from successfully completed development projects.

Thus, each MASCH product is already field-tested before it is launched in Germany or other European countries.

The company MASCH Software Solutions GmbH was founded in 2001 and today comprises a development team of experienced software engineers at the St. Petersburg location, a Customer Service Center for D.A.CH and Central Europe located in Cologne, and further sales consultants in the D.A.CH region.

The company focuses on the development and distribution of software solutions in the areas of tourism destinations, e-commerce and e-marketing for hotels and vacation apartment providers as well as legally compliant document and e-mail archiving and ECM applications in the CLOUD and in the local network.

Your contact to our Customer Service Center:

MASCH Customer Service Group
Paulinenweg 3 - 51149 Cologne, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)2203 8068 405
Fax: +49 (0)2203 8068 407

Email Sales:  sales@masch.com
Email Support:  support@masch.com

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